Sunday 21 July 2013

HOPE: What a Friend You Are!

It is Saturday, the classes were over, and the students were preparing for the general hostel inspection. I am not part of it; in fact, I haven’t been part of it for sometimes now. Part of the squabbles of power; power tussle, as some may call it, has made sure I’ve been relieved of such extra pressure. But boy am I happy? So, quickly I jumped up and went to the school’s café to pass my time usefully.

It was evening hours and I just got back from a brief football exercise; wondering what to do next, to while away time of course. I had just received a bad news from one of my colleague, news that left me with so much to think about. And that is just the news this day – bad! Can anything good come out of the seemingly bad leaders we have littering around the corridor of power, waiting for the next bad thing to execute? That is just their name – the executives. But I wouldn’t give up on hope, no – no way! God “dey” as our people uses to say, and He never fails. In fact I just need to keep hold of hope, everything I’m doing right now depended on it; I can’t afford to fail.

Faith without work is dead, according to Saint Paul. So I must work hard and plan well, and God will never forsake me; he never did that. And talking about forsaking, a girl sent me bubble gums this morning, and greetings of course. What of it? What does it really mean? I kept thinking. But maybe it is not suppose to mean much. My brain, somehow, seems to be too sharp these days, or maybe sensitive is a better word for it. I seemed to be over-analyzing things, attaching more importance to simple events. Maybe I’m supposed to chill up and relax for the time being. But looking at this word ‘simple’, it sounds Mathematical to me like ‘irreducible’. Something too abstract that can only be possible in an ideal world, but we are not in such a world; maybe not yet. So can event ever be simple? I wondered.

Sunday here we are! Once again thoughts of what to do filled me with nostalgia. I came to the school premises wondering what exactly I should be doing. Then I remembered. It is always like that when I lack what to do suddenly flood of works undone encircled me. So I marked the test scripts I gave a day earlier and then … … … I updated my class register. Yes, my classes register, I’m a class master, on top of everything; and by everything I mean teaching 17 arms. Oh! Didn’t I mention it earlier; I’m the only Mathematics teacher for the entire school. So I kind of like mark more than hundred assignments daily, and on top of that I coordinated quiz club, debates club, press club and drama club. Whoa!!!

But I’m really thankful to God Almighty for the strength He gave and the opportunity given to me to be of service to such young students. That’s what Sunday is all about – thanks, thanks, and thanks. But then I remembered my fiancée who I used to send and receive happy Sundays greeting weekly. Now I couldn’t do that anymore, security squabbles has made that absolutely impossible. But I really missed that. Now I wondered when network will bounce back and how high my happiness would reach. Hope will never leave me.

Prosperity preaching, prosperity preaching, prosperity preaching. I hear them discussing about it on the BBC world service, it pros and cons. But I wondered if pastors should stop putting too much emphasis on prosperity and may be talk more about salvation. But I really don’t think it will be possible because pastors can’t afford to lose members these days. Yes, that’s just the fact. “Hey, pastors preach no prosperity and I leave your church”, someone once commanded. Not me of course. I know you’ll argue that Jesus Christ spent all His days preaching salvation, and exhorted His followers so to do. But then Jesus was crucified. Which pastor wants to be crucified? And how many pastors would run a church where members do not donate heavily? Of course members must prosper to be able to donate heavily, and for the church to continue to exist.

One thing that seems to amaze me these days is the fact that most of the fastest growing churches in the world is owned by Nigerians, who live in Nigeria. But on the other hand Nigeria is currently rated amongst the fastest growing corrupt countries in the world. Whoa!!! Now I know you’re amazed too. But, may be, it was meant to be: Jesus and Satan living side-by-side like neighbors. But wouldn’t the power of Christ chase away the spirit of sins? I wondered.

to be continued ...

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